15 Injustice Moments That Shocked The World

6. Alfred Beating Up Superman

Injustice Solomon Grundy Superman
DC Comics

Anyone who didn't get the world's biggest kick out of Alfred beating Superman into the walls of the Batcave is either a serious fanboy, or scientifically incapable of feeling the human emotion of excitement.

Alfred may as well have been voted 'Least Likely to Ever Beat Down Superman' given his peaceful nature - and, you know, also the small matter of his lack of superpowers - and yet Injustice managed to grace us with a moment that would be totally impossible in almost any other context.

With Injustice introducing the previously mentioned nanotech pills - that allow regular humans abilities on par with metahumans - the time for the butler's beatdown special had never been any better.

Upon Superman entering the Batcave basically to harass whoever was inside, Alfred finally loses his patience, and lets lose what appears to be his entire life's bottled up rage on the Man of Steel, which takes the superpower pills from feeling like a plot device, to being the best invention DC have imagined yet.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.