15 Lies The Fallout Games Taught Us About The Real World

1. Junk Food Heals Wounds

Drinking lots of water will prevent you from drowning, that much is obvious. What many don't know is that all food, junk food like cereal and potato chips especially - has healing properties. Since you can easily freeze time in the middle of combat, you'll have ample opportunity to stuff your face full of medical goods like instant mash potatoes. Sure, Stimpacks are lighter and more effective, but that doesn't mean carrying fifty or so pounds of 200 year old stale chips isn't just as important for survival in a combat situation. Should you ever find yourself wounded, consider eating a lot of junk food to speed up the healing process. If you've been shot, just rub some potato chips in the wound, it should close up right away! If you don't have soda in your first aid kit, what are you doing, really? What terrible lies has the Fallout series taught you about real life? Let us know in the comment section below!

Ken was born in 1994, and before the turn of the century, he was already a gamer for life, starting with Pokémon Blue Version. He has a passion for storytelling, especially in the gaming medium. Growing up on a healthy diet of JRPGs and point and click adventure games, young Kenny grew up playing Nintendo and Sony consoles, before becoming a snobby member of the PC Master Race. Nowadays, he resides in a time warp, refusing to believe the nineties ended as he fills up his Steam library with old point and clicks and cRPGs.