15 Most Memorable First Boss Encounters In Gaming History

7. Egg Mobile-H (Sonic The Hedgehog)

Dr. Robotnik (or Eggman as he's known nowadays) deserves some kind of award for perseverance - being defeated by a hedgehog repeatedly must have dealt a serious blow to the man's pride by now. Then again, Robotnik always has an advantage over Sonic, thanks to his mechanised creations and weapons. His most iconic creation is the Egg Mobile - a vehicle which Robotnik flies around in and attaches weapons to, in his never-ending quest to stop Sonic. The most instantly recognisable of these appearances is the very first one. At the end of the Green Hill Zone, Robotnik flies in with a wrecking ball attached to his Egg Mobile. Sonic has to jump on a nearby floating platform, dodge the flailing wrecking ball and jump at the Egg Mobile to defeat Robotnik - it's unbelievably satisfying to outwit Robotnik in this manner. The simplicity of this encounter might be the reason it's become so well known; basic platform instincts tell the player to dodge a flailing ball, especially one being carried by a mad scientist. The fight has been replicated in many Sonic games since but the first glorious 16-bit appearance is the one that firmly sticks in the mind.
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I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.