15 Mind-Blowing Facts About The PS2

5. 'White Towers' Aren't Randomised

PS2 towers

Boot up any PS2 console, and a series of white towers/blocks are displayed, shooting up towards the player and then branching off as the main menu is brought up.

At first, it seems like this is simply a series of random blocks aiming to look futuristic and give the user a brief, snappy intro as the system boots up.

Instead, each white tower represents a save game file on the inserted memory card, which is pretty fascinating. Load up the console without a memory card, and there aren't any towers.

Do so with a full one, and suddenly these white and silver blocks dominate the screen. This was a small design choice which adds another cool vibe to the PS2.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.