15 Mind-Blowing Facts About The PS2

2. The PS2 Was Based On An Old Atari Prototype

In 1993, Atari had grand plans for their new console design, going by the prototype name 'Falcon030 Microbox'. Eventually, the classic game developer would scrap plans altogether for the new console, instead focusing on the doomed Jaguar concept.

In swooped Sony, who namechecked the Atari prototype as a major influence in their design for the Playstation 2 console. Looking at both side-to-side, the influence is clear, and both machines look remarkably similar. It's little news bites such as this which make the world of videogames so interesting.

Had Atari pressed forward with their initial ideas for the prototype, it's likely the world would have experienced an entirely different Playstation 2, who knows what the console would have ended up looking like.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.