15 Most Disappointing Video Game Sequels Of The Decade (So Far)

14. Aliens Vs. Predator

It wouldn€™t be a disappointing video game list without an entry from an Aliens game, would it? While it wasn€™t quite Colonial Marines bad, Aliens vs. Predator is probably even more disappointing because of just how much it squandered the potential of the series. Sequel to the popular '90s PC games, 2010€™s Aliens vs Predator is essentially the same game as the previous entries in the series, which would be fine€ if players hadn't experienced ten year€™s worth of video game development in the meantime. Because of the time-gap between instalments, 2010€™s AVP felt like an old school experience, and not entirely in the good nostalgic way. Throw in some just plain odd design choices (seriously, why can€™t the Marines crouch?), and the entirety of of the game feels like poor attempt to reinvent an aging franchise.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3