15 Most Important Games Of This Generation

7. Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3, as a case study, will be referenced for years and years to come. Really a coming together of several cultural factors, the debacle that surrounded the games ending was a massive issue. I think it is one we may not even fully understand yet. Having been a beloved series before the final chapter, the franchise would have merited an inclusion to the list even without the controversy that surrounded the game. An innovator in morality systems, storytelling, lore, AI interaction and full to the brim of interesting and exciting characters, the series defines one of the great storytelling leaps for the generation. However, after the initial ending hit, what followed was fascinating. Factors such as dissatisfaction with publisher EA, internet mob culture and major failed promises from Bioware all came together to bring a hail storm of trouble for everyone involved. Fans reacted so strongly and frequently that the developers decided to generate more content to the ending of the game. The question of a fanbase's relationship with a piece of art came to a head and it caused a rift between critics, consumers and developers. Fans showed that they no longer were content with just being disappointed in a final product and demanded an input into a work they dearly loved. Scary thing is, they won. An extended cut of the ending was released to help satisfy fans and answer questions that they had about the series conclusion. Add to that the void between criticism and audiences widening due to very large differences in opinion and the true complexities of the Mass Effect 3 case is ever interesting. Possibly acting as a flood gate, fans having direct input in a work of art is going to be a hotly debated issue for some time and one that will no doubt spill into the next generation of gaming. Add to that, disatisfaction and mistrust of major publishers is almost certainly going to come to a head in the near future, Mass Effect 3 may well be the first signs of major revolt to the distribution and publication of games..
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Patrick Dane is someone who spends too much of his time looking at screens. Usually can be seen pretending he works as a film and game blogger, short film director, PA, 1st AD and scriptwriter. Known to frequent London screening rooms, expensive hotels, couches, Costa coffee and his bedroom. If found, could you please return to the internet.