15 Most Offensive Gaming Characters Ever

2. Quiet (Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain)

Quiet mgs

The Character: The expert sniper who joins Venom Snake's outfit during the game, a sexy but deeply troubled mute woman who is absolutely invaluable on the battlefield.

Why They're Offensive: As a soldier, Quiet is an excellent character and arguably one of the series' most interesting, but Hideo Kojima's decision to kit her out in a skimpy bikini has rightly been met with criticism. It doesn't serve any tangible purpose beyond fan service and pandering to sex-starved teenagers, while most adults playing the game are likely left embarrassed and a little ashamed by it. Kojima claimed that the reason for Quiet's exposure would "make you feel ashamed for your words and deeds", but as it turned out, the explanation was a hilariously flimsy plot excuse (she drinks through her skin, so apparently needs it exposed...yet The End had the same power and didn't need to...thank God) to get her boobs out and nothing more.

Aren't we as gamers and creators past this kind of nonsense by now? Lads' mags and porn websites exist for a reason, but this gratuitous objectification just sullies an otherwise fascinating character. Some might argue that the MGS series has always had gratuitous nudity, both male and female, but it's worth remembering that the likes of Johnny Sasaki and Raiden were not sexualised in the same way: Kojima didn't leer and zoom in on their curves. Here the tone isn't remotely comical: it's meant to titillate. And no, before someone comments that Kojima is making a post-modern statement on how video games treat women, that's just bulls***.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.