15 Most Offensive Gaming Characters Ever

7. Natalya Simonova (Goldeneye 007)

Natalya goldeneye
Eon Productions

The Character: A computer programmer who James Bond needs to help shut down the Goldeneye satellite, played by the sexy Izabella Scorupco in the 1995 movie...and played by a block of misbehaving computer code in the 1997 video game adaptation.

Why They're Offensive: As fantastic as Goldeneye is (though it's certainly aged badly), Natalya is yet another infuriatingly inept escort character whose lack of regard for her own well-being almost borders on suicidal. Everyone's least-favourite mission in the game is Control, in which Bond has to protect Natalya from a fleet of guards while she works on shutting down the satellite.

However, Natalya will deliberately run into enemy gunfire and basically show no enthusiasm for staying alive, such that you're likely to fail the mission again and again and again before finally succeeding through pure luck. Terrible NPC AI is one thing, but would it really have been much of a hardship to program some duck and cover routines for her, or better yet, just give her a damn gun?

Instead, she's the worst type of escort character: dumb, useless and actively working against the player. In a time where gaming could've done with some more resourceful female characters, Natalya fell agonisingly short of the mark, and gamers sure as hell noticed.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.