15 Most Overrated Video Games Since 2000

12. God Of War III

God of War 3 III

Now we're on the other side of E3 2016 and we can see how Sony have actually - miraculously - managed to save Kratos and God of War overall, it's remarkable to look back on just how one-note the series had become. For me, although GoW 3 looked stunning and is still genuinely one of the best-looking games on the PS3, Kratos' motivations had reached the point of parody.

He was less a man thinly avenging his slain wife and child (something he accidentally did in the first place - yes, really) and more just butchering everything in his path, because video games. Helper characters, friendly Titans, quest-givers, it didn't matter.

However, by the time you'd met up with the imprisoned Hephaestus, got him to make you some weapons, slept with his wife (someone who'd been untrue to him, but the dude was still in love) and then slaughtered him anyway, that was a very ugly way to portray a character we were still supposed to be rooting for. It ended up contributing to a feeling that this third entry was one too many, giving the whole affair a very sour aftertaste.

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