15 Most PHENOMENAL Video Game Moments Of 2023

6. The Villager Twist - Diablo IV

diablo 4

Diablo 4 might be a predatory af microtransaction torture device now, but it at least makes a fantastic first impression.

Leading with a more cinematic, cutscene-based approach than anyone expected, your customised hero of choice is led to believe they've just helped out a small township of innocents, fending off demons in the cold.

Instead, their celebratory meal is poisonous, and both yourself and your character realise this at the same time. You're quickly thrown into Wicker Man territory as you're prepped for what looks like a ritual sacrifice, with the evil Lilith being the real puppet master.

It's truly some Resident Evil 4 or Village-type business, and you're forced to cleave your way back to safety, wiping out these supposedly carefree souls as the game really kicks in.

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