15 Most PHENOMENAL Video Game Moments Of 2023

4. Using The Camera - Viewfinder

viewfinder game
Sad Owl Studios

Sometimes you just need to take a minute and remark that a game has a REALLY cool idea. Braid's time travel in 2008, Brothers' dual character controls in 2016, Superliminal's perspective shifts in 2022.

Viewfinder though, might take the cake, for designing a signature mechanic around taking 2D pictures with an in-game camera, that then become 3D when placed anywhere in the landscape.

Instantly you'll move and realise the perceived depth of a flat image is now navigable; creating pathways entirely based on how you literally harnessed and reshaped the environment in real time.

Viewfinder changes this up across its five Chapter campaign, but the first time you see what Sad Owl Studios have pulled off, it's straight-up genius.

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Gaming Editor

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