15 Most PHENOMENAL Video Game Moments Of 2023

11. The Choice - Baldur's Gate 3

Baldurs gate 3
Larian Studios

*Spoilers for at least one of the ways Baldur's Gate 3 can go, at the very end*

Larian's genuine masterpiece is easily the most impressive game of 2023, and within is the character of Karlac, a devil-looking woman destined to burn up if she stays away from Hell too long, because an evil lord replaced her heart with an infernal demon engine. As you do.

From the setup she's incredibly memorable, and at the end, where you must make a choice who is going to gain the ultimate power of the Illithid; the mind flayer race you've been dabbling with for over 80 hours or so now, one option is Karlac herself.

Doing so grants Karlac a different version of immortality, at the cost of her appearance. But it also gives her power beyond her wildest dreams, bulking out her already impressive frame and moveset to now let her command black holes on the fly, reduce enemies to dust and command bolts if pure energy with unending reserves. You even gain an "eat brain" option to regenerate health, seeing the game's final mission through in gory style, standing shoulder to shoulder with your former friend, cackling like an evil genius at how much fun you're both having.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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