15 Most PHENOMENAL Video Game Moments Of 2023

9. Metroid Prime Remastered Gets Shadow Dropped

metroid prime remastered

Shadow-drops rule.

Seeing a trailer or gameplay demo, and the voiceover noting at the end, "XYZ game, is available now" - there's nothing better.

Thankfully, Nintendo agree, and back on February 8th, amidst Switch Online getting Game Boy and Game Boy Advance libraries for a monthly fee, we got the Metroid Prime Remaster, available during the Nintendo Direct itself.

Not only was this a cool payoff to years of rumours surrounding what's happening with the Prime IP, but the Remaster is one of 2023's best games. An absolutely stunning title that runs perfectly on Switch, outshining far more powerful tech when it comes to environmental effects and performance in general, this was an immediate reminder that the Metroid Prime titles are gaming royalty for a reason, and hopefully it means an update on Metroid Prime 4 is right around the corner.

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WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.