15 Predictions For 2015's Biggest Video Games

You can take these to the bank.

We've still got the crunch period of 2014's video game calendar to get through, what with Destiny now out in the wild, and the likes of Driveclub, Sunset Overdrive, Assassin's Creed Unity, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Dragon Age Inquisition, Far Cry 4 and many, many more on the horizon. As occupied as the coming gaming onslaught will keep us, it's always fun to look forward and see what the future holds, and 2015 is already looking to be another promising year for gaming, in part aided by the (admittedly ludicrous) number of 2014 games which were unceremoniously delayed into next year. On one hand, it makes the impact on our wallets this year slightly less stressful, but damn, we want to get our hands on these games as soon as possible. We've collected together our 15 most anticipated games of 2015, and given our predictions about their quality and what they might offer, reflecting everything we've read and heard about them so far. We could be wrong, we could be right: we'll just have to wait and see. Still, did we miss any games you can't wait to play next year? Do you agree or disagree with our assessments? Fancy offering up your own predictions? Let us know in the comments!

15. The Order: 1886 Isn't That Great

One of the most-hyped upcoming PS4 exclusives is The Order: 1886, an action adventure game set in an alternate Neo-Victorian London, as humanity attempts to fend off attacks from human-animal hybrid monsters. From the footage we've been shown so far, the game has been widely praised for its beautiful graphics, namely the seamless switching between cut-scenes and gameplay, a testament to the technical prowess of the PS4. However, many gaming journalists who have been lucky enough to play the demo already have been measured in their praise, lauding the visuals yet proving less enthusiastic when discussing the gameplay. With its QTE sequences and rather familiar looking shooting mechanics, it's very possible that The Order will simply be a polished yet unremarkable action game. Though the decision not to include multiplayer for the sake of it is an admirable one, what we've seen so far does little to excite us on a gut level, and the fact it's locked at 30FPS is also pretty disappointing.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.