15 Predictions For 2015's Biggest Video Games

13. Battlefield Hardline Isn't Much More Than Glorified DLC

Battlefield Hardline2 As much fun as Battlefield 4 was (when it finally worked), the brand took a serious PR hit with the various technical issues which plagued both console and PC versions of the game for months following the release. That EA already had Visceral Games hard at work on a new Battlefield title while the previous game didn't work properly caused outrage from gamers, such that enthusiasm for Battlefield Hardline isn't exactly sky-high. If you've played the Beta of Hardline, you'll know what the game's all about, and even if you haven't played it, you can probably take a good guess. Hardline mostly follows the Battlefield multiplayer combat formula, yet uses a Cops-and-Robbers vibe to try and make it feel fresh. Though the Heist mode in particular is a lot of fun, the Beta didn't give much of an indication that Hardline would be worth shelling out £40 or £50 for: it feels like an expansion quickly cobbled together rather than a full, new game. We'd maybe pay £20 for it at most, but really, given how quickly they've knocked it together, this probably should just be released as DLC for a competitive price, especially considering how badly EA screwed everybody around with Battlefield 4. If this one sells as well as BF4, it would be a miracle (and an extremely disappointing one).

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.