15 Reasons Why Psychonauts Is The Greatest Game Ever Made

1. The Milkman Conspiracy Is The Greatest Thing To Have Ever Been Created

Inside the mind of the paranoid conspiracy theorist Boyd, you€™ll find yourself transported to an idyllic, yet eerie neighbourhood succumb to espionage and obsessive suspicion. It€™s a neighbourhood of plain-speaking men in trench-coats, blatantly undercover as housewives and grieving widows; little girls who travel door-to-door selling cookies who whisper incessantly just out of ear shot; strange dustbins that move by themselves, and helicopters that fly around in the sky, constantly searching for the Milkman. It also happens to be the best level in the game, one of the best levels of all time, and a shining example of video game inventiveness at its finest. The Milkman Conspiracy could be sold as a standalone game; it€™s just that good. It somehow manages to balance downright hilarity with an unsettling, uncanny atmosphere that€™ll make you distrust everything you€™re seeing. Do you love Psychonauts? Share your appreciation of it below in the comments thread.
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Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.