15 Things Only Video Game Completionists Will Understand

1. We Will Always Remember Your First Completion Ever

It's what started it all - that first completion is what got us hooked. Afterwards we thought how fun it was to completely finish a game, all achievements, 100%. From there it was just a snowball effect. We thought if we could do it once, why not again? After the second completion, the same thought arises and it just keeps going and going until you can't help but try and complete every single thing you play. My first completion was TMNT for the Xbox 360, my second was Fight Night Round 3 and my third was WWE Legends of Wrestlemania. It was these three games, albeit very easy completions, that got me hooked. Now, I look at every game and try and scope out exactly how to truly complete it. Completing games to some seems stupid, but to us, it's a drive that never lessens. The completion is just as much fun as the gameplay experience itself. It feels more rewarding than finally beat a boss that's been killing you for over an hour. To completionists, it truly is the most rewarding experience in gaming, and our first one is something we'll always remember. Are there any points we missed? Let us know in the comments what it takes to be a true completionist!
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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.