15 Upcoming PS4 Exclusives Games You Must Consider

8. Gran Turismo 7

Release Date: TBA 2016/2017 The Buzz: After Gran Turismo 5 ran into enormous launch problems and the sixth game suffered embarrassingly low sales due to the backlash, Polyphony Digital have a lot to make up for with their seventh game. While it'll unquestionably be visually impressive, it's probably best not to expect PD to give every car a premium model, despite how vocally angry gamers have been about PD cutting corners, up-scaling legacy assets in the last two games. With Forza reigning supreme as the current king of racers, it's possible that GT may simple have lost its place in the market to something that's a little less rigorous and causal-friendly, though given how few racing games (and good ones at that) there are on the PS4, it'll surely sell much more healthily than GT6, which probably should've been a PS4 launch title anyway. On the plus side, PD have reported that they're having a much easier time developing the game for PS4 than previous titles for PS3, so perhaps this will signal the end of the series' technical issues and underwhelming presentation. This is the time where the franchise needs to blow fans away again, and given how long it's surely already been in production, hopefully they have something magnificent to show us pretty soon.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.