15 Video Games That Mock You For Playing On Easy Mode

6. Spider-Man (PS1)

Spider-Man (PS1)

Released back in 2001, Spider-Man was a fairly well-received game when it first came out, praised at the time for its gameplay and story alike.

With that said, it features a difficulty setting so bafflingly easy that it renders the entire game completely pointless. The "Kid Mode" makes the game virtually play itself, to the point that entire portions of the game are bypassed entirely. It skips certain puzzles and boss fights, and even takes away control of Spider-Man for brief intervals in order to complete parts of the game for you. Best of all: during an early sequence in the game, Spider-Man will be tasked with safely defusing a bomb after a bank heist goes bad. If you're playing on Kid mode, he'll say "I should find a safe place to put this", as if there's no way you could have figured it out on your own.

If you have a toddler who isn't quite capable of playing video games properly yet, then Kid Mode is probably a great way to make them feel like they're actually accomplishing something. If not, there's no reason this should exist.


Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.