15 Video Games That Mock You For Playing On Easy Mode

2. Monkey Island 2: Le Chuck's Revenge

Monkey Island 2

A point-and-click adventure game, Monkey Island and puzzle solving are so intrinsically connected that it's hard to imagine one existing without the other.

With that said, there's a mode in Monkey Island 2: Le Chuck's Revenge called "Lite" mode, which actually solves many of the puzzles for you. Perhaps motivated by complaints from players who struggled with some of the more difficult puzzles from the first game, "Lite" mode was introduced, and described in the game's manual as being for "beginners and magazine reviews".

Poking fun at critics' time restraints, the mode doesn't hint or suggest at possible solutions, but just blatantly solves the puzzles on your behalf. Trust LucasArt to sneak a joke into the difficult selection screen. Bravo.


Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.