16 Best Video Game Moments Of 2018

6. Traversing The Desert - Tetris Effect

Tetris Effect Desert

You wouldn't think a Tetris game could make you feel, but therein lies the beauty of what Tetsuya Mizuguchi has created.

Learning from the likes of Lumines - a game that combined pulse-pounding electronic music with lining up squares of Tetronimo pieces - Tetris Effect's levels all have defined themes and connotative imagery.

The desert level, for example, features a slow score that gradually builds as you slot lines together, seeing a troupe of camel riders traverse the baking sand dunes in the background.

This culminates in a transition to the surface of the moon, when a small landing buggy highlights just how far humanity has come. As the music swells underneath all the pieces you were slotting together, it feels like a metaphorical interpretation for innovation and improvisation itself.

Now you see why Tetris Effect isn't just "another Tetris game".

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