16 Best Video Game Moments Of 2018

4. The Final Climb - Celeste

Celeste game
Matt Makes Games

*SPOILERS for Celeste*

Not to spoil Celeste's most heartfelt moments too much, but MattMakesGames' idea to make dark thoughts and anxious-ridden, depression-fuelling mentalities another in-game being you have to contend with, a boss, or a series of tough platforming areas you must surmount, is brilliant.

Come the close of the game you'll have begun talking to your worst self; the shadow version of Madeline that haunts, taunts and chases you across the majority of Celeste. This ultimately results in a final climb that capitalises on a double dash move to let you move faster, reach farther and above all, achieve more than you could when giving into these negative thoughts.

A supremely powerful, essential message, and one that will benefit all who hear it.

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