16 Best Video Game Trilogies Of All Time

9. Jak & Daxter

Jak & Daxter
Naughty Dog

Although Crash Bandicoot was one of Playstation's finest hours, Naughty Dog were just getting started. The first Jak and Dax essentially played it safe - as 'safe' as you can when you're feeling the pressure to create another loveable character on par with one of the most recognised icons around the world, anyway - but they still introduced the idea of an open world, with multiple quest-givers, a day-night cycle that showed off the gorgeous PS2 graphics and of course, more of that sublime platforming only they could pull off.

Naughty Dog note in their 30th Anniversary art book that it was only after GTA III landed that they "looked up" from the otherwise 'heads down and proceed' juggernaut work ethic they'd employed, and thus for Jak II and III, there was a noticeably darker tone in the hero's demeanour. Now Jak had access to a range of guns, a city-centric open world, cars to steal and a hoverboard to trick around the streets on.

To this day there's not one game since Grand Theft Auto that's completely nailed this formula quite like Jak II did, making each mission feel conducive to the plot and giving you a steady stream of unlocks whilst maintaining the core sensibilities of Jak and Daxter's soul that really brought everything to life. Jak III would do more of the same whilst going outside the city walls and expanding on Jak's powers, but taken as a whole this is the perfect marriage of a previously linear genre perfectly crafted for the new generation.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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