16 Hardest Video Games Of The Decade (So Far)

3. Dark Souls

The game that in 10 years time will be heralded as a classic - although it's already on its way there now. FromSoftware's second crack at their now-signature third-person RPG action-adventure is by far their finest, pulling together some hugely varied locales, an interconnected world that'll drop you somewhere familiar just as you think you're getting lost - and the best collection of memorable boss fights there's been in anything for years. From the opening beast you actually have to run past instead of tackling, to the mid-point twin-duel with the disgustingly programmed Ornstein & Smough and the final blade-on-blade duel you'll have to beat the game - every section of Dark Souls feels handcrafted with the utmost care. Sure there are programming failings like the horrendous Blighttown where the framerate drops into single digits, but if you stick with it, speccing your weapons and armour whilst learning exactly how to conquer everything in front of you along the way - there's absolutely nothing so satisfying.
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Gaming Editor

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