16 Insanely Underrated PS4 Exclusives You Must Play

12. Transistor

Transistor game
Supergiant Games

You might better know Supergiant Games (not to be confused with Until Dawn's SuperMassive Games) for Bastion, 2011's immaculate isometric Diablo-lite RPG. However, the team also put out Transistor back in 2014, it was just a little hard to pay any attention when that year overall was such a smouldering tire fire of potential.

Still, Transistor casts you as the former singer, Red, who partners up with a talking sword - played by the godlike pipes of Bastion's Logan Cunningham - to reclaim her voice and wipe out a sect of influencers who have royally ballsed up their otherwise utopian city.

Transistor ps4
Supergiant Games

Fantastically, Transistor changes up a ton of things about the isometric hack n' slash genre, first allowing you to hop into a time-stopping mode where you can plan a number of moves before hitting restore and watching Red dart about the screen. Atop that, character and narrative dumps are tied to specific ability and skill nodes, meaning you'll have to experiment with every combat style to uncover them all.

It's a surprisingly effective system, encouraging gameplay right alongside story, helping give Transistor a personality to its mechanics that matches such an outstanding art style.

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