16 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About Xbox

8. Resident Evil 4 Was Almost An Xbox Exclusive

Xbox Sonic

Thought the whole 'Are games art?' debate was something born out of the current decade? Think again, as that exact question was at the heart of a meeting between Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami and Xbox co-creator Kevin Bachus' representatives. The story goes that as the latter's team were securing RE 4 for the Xbox, because Shinji and his team only spoke Japanese everything had to go through a translator.

When Mikami probed Bachus' team for their musings for what games meant in terms of artistic expression, they couldn't adequately get their thoughts across, even though Bachus very much believed in gaming as something far more than just entertainment. Thus, Mikami signed a deal with Nintendo after feeling disillusioned with both Microsoft and Sony at the time.

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