16 Most Controversial Gaming Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

4. Hotline Miami 2's Rape Scene

While Hotline Miami by its very ultra-violent nature revels in controversial topics, the opening sexual assault that occurs in the very first mission of Dennaton Games' critically revered sequel came across as particularly distasteful and mean-spirited. Even when it's revealed that what you're playing in this opening scene is actually part of a horror movie and you're assured that no one was hurt by your actions, it still comes across as a needlessly tasteless moment in an otherwise great game. It becomes even more of a shame because there was an opportunity for commentary here on why players are willing to kill hundreds of guys in graphic ways, but are uncomfortable performing similar acts of horror on female characters, but even if this was the intention as some claim, it still falls flat for one simple reason: If the players don't kill said hundreds of guys, they'll be killed themselves. Although you're gouging out eyes and chopping off limbs, it still comes down to the fact that if you didn't, the same would only happen to you. But in this opening scene the helpless woman poses no threat, and the event comes across as simply a way to shock to player to their very core - and in that respect sure, the scene does achieve what it set out to do.
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3