16 Most Controversial Gaming Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

1. #GamerGate

Although many entries on this list have been extremely controversial by nature, none of them even came close to dominating the headlines for as long as the still ongoing GamerGate debacle. In fact, this movement has been going on for so long that keeping track of its entire history and the evolution of the original story itself can be utterly exhausting - but a quick browse through the major milestones of this divisive issue points to it being one of the saddest, ugliest, and downright most mean-spirited events in gaming history. With camps on either side of the controversy campaigning for a better gaming environment, the movement executed the fight for this noble cause in the most disgusting way imaginable; covering topics such as gaming sexism, censorship and "ethics in video game journalism", whereby analysis into these dense issues always devolves into nothing more than an ugly internet echo-chamber, regurgitating the same horrific and offensive comments over and over again. As personal attacks on various gaming personalities became more and more common this controversial event gained so much infamy that is was actually picked up and commented on by numerous national mainstream news outlets, that sadly only increased the defensive and vitriolic behaviour of many people involved in the first place. What controversial game-related story took you by surprise? Let us know in the comments!
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3