16 Most Replayable Levels In Gaming History

7. Charlie Don't Surf - Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Granted the fact that COD has more awesome set-pieces to than Nicki Minaj does left and right cheek surgeons, you could pick any one of them to stand up as the best from across the franchise. However, factor in a time when you weren't completely numb to all the explosions and "CHARLIE TANGO REPORT IN!'-style dialogue, go back to 2007 when you first got your hands on Activision's finest - the whole thing was revolutionary at every turn, but it's the Charlie Don't Surf level that really takes the cake. It's mainly down to the layout and the sheer amount of little touches Infinity Ward threw in to make you feel like you were slap bang in the middle of the greatest war movie on earth. There's blink n' you'll miss 'em jets flying overhead, a string of awesome locations to do battle across including an office packed with PCs that all crackle and burst with electricity, and one hell of a stinger for the main narrative when the guy you've been tracking and building up to take down is revealed to be nothing more than a recording.
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