16 Most Replayable Levels In Gaming History

13. Chop Shop - The Punisher

THQ's The Punisher remains a very shiny underrated gem that occasionally people seek out thanks to it frequently popping up on any 'Best of Marvel Games' lists. The core game saw you administering all manner of gory deaths to gangsters and criminals in ways ranging from bludgeoning them with baseball bats to dunking heads in piranha tanks. The whole game was as solid as they come - with plenty of Marvel cameos too - but it's the early level in a car-stripping chop shop that solidified just how much fun Volition really wanted you to have. Dropping cars on perps and shining others' skulls on an orbital sander was immediately fun, but it was the level layout that made the whole thing pop - when you've journeyed all the way up to the building's staff room only to ram a guy's head through the TV he was watching, the whole experience will stick with you.
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