16 Most Replayable Levels In Gaming History

9. Your Favourite Song - Guitar Hero/Rock Band

Harmonix really hit onto something truly special across the last decade or so - Guitar Hero was like some crazy cultural phenomenon people just couldn't enough of. Following a couple of successful Hero games they then turned their heads to creating the entire band setup in plastic form, kickstarting Rock Band with MTV and leaving the GH franchise in the capable hands of Neversoft, who promptly recruited Slash and Tom Morello to star in part three. Everything was coming up fake axe-wielding Milhouse, so much so that even now there's rumblings of another Guitar Hero or Rock Band title making a return - but until then it's a 'thanks for the memories'-type deal, as everyone reading this who played either of these games will have that one specific song they just couldn't get enough of for hours (if not days) on end.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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