17 Best Video Game Covers Of All-Time

8. Super Mario Galaxy (2007)

Why It's Great: Mario debuted on the Nintendo Wii in what would be one of the best games in the console's entire life-cycle. Bursting with colour and vibrancy, Super Mario Galaxy also boasts an incredibly visually appealing cover loved by both adults and children alike. There is something comforting about examining the bright artwork €“ it could be the nostalgic appeal of such an important character in video gaming history or perhaps the fact that there is no visible threat other than the black hole in the bottom right corner. How It Represents The Game: Super Mario is a series which has, over the years, come to be defined by its bright landscapes and inviting worlds. The ability to travel through space and encounter so many worlds means that Super Mario Galaxy features an even more diverse array of environments than other Mario games. The game's cover certainly captures this as we see Mario leaping from one world to another, followed by a trail of stardust.

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.