17 Worst Looking Wrestlers In WWE 2K16

3. Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnie will feature in WWE 2K16 as The Terminator, as a tie-in on Triple H's WrestleMania 31 entrance being linked to Terminator Genisys. It is a bit of a coup for 2K and they've been playing it up big in promotion for the game. But looking at the 2K16 Arnie against the actual shot of him in The Terminator, you can see that the graphics aren't really the best representation. It is a bit like Lesnar, they've gave him a head that is just way too square. Then there's the curtains hairstyle. It was more slicked back than that in the film. He's left looking like a bit of a dork with that hair in WWE 2K16.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.