18 Best Survival Horror Video Games Of All Time
1. Silent Hill 2
Unlike in Hollywood, where attempting to redo the same elements of a first instalment can only lead to disappointment, video game sequels are often infinitely better than than their predecessors. In the case of Silent Hill 2, Konami bolstered the original's brilliant 'a town made of nightmares' setup with one of the most emotionally affecting and oft-debated narratives of all time.
With a handful of endings and occasions where the game was almost playing you instead, the eery, Japanese horror feel of exploring the various dilapidated buildings and environments provided the perfect counterpoint to Resident Evil's more action-focussed appeal. Case in point: When a Silent Hill game is firing on all cylinders you'll be a quivering wreck, whereas a Resident Evil game's most horror-focused moments are often short-lived.
The way the game plays with our preconceived notions of video game 'heroes' and agency within in a game world is also total genius - an aspect the likes of sequel Shattered Memories would build itself around - leaving Silent Hill 2 as one of the most genuinely innovative and landmark horrors of them all.
What's the best survival horror video game of all time? Let us know in the comments!