18 Best Survival Horror Video Games Of All Time

17. Alien: Isolation

Alien Isolation

Onto one of the finest examples of white-hot terror available on modern consoles, Alien: Isolation finally did justice to HR Giger's legendary Xenomorph design.

Casting you not as Ripley but her daughter, Amanda, the genius in Isolation's design came from searching the desolate hallways of the abandoned Sevastopol ship whilst being continually hunted by a murderous Xeno. Its A.I. meant that no two encounters were the same, giving you a motion tracker - complete with signature movie beep - a selection of places to hide and... not much else.

The ship is also staffed by 'Working Joes', prototype versions of the humanoid A.I. that the likes of Ash from the original film would be based on. As such, Alien: Isolation is an intricate balancing act of exploration, item-hoarding, the occasional fight with a Working Joe and the outright "OHSH*TOHSH*TOHSH*T" reaction whenever the alien itself pops up.


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