18 Best Video Game Boss Battles Of The Last 10 Years

17. The Caretaker - The Witcher III: Wild Hunt

the witcher 3 caretaker
CD Projekt RED

The dilapidated scenery, the distant sound effects, the slow reveal of a monstrous, nightmarish entity who immediately attempts to kill you - Witcher 3's Hearts of Stone DLC is also when the franchise decided to get its Dark Souls on.

Actually fighting the Caretaker is an exercise in restraint, as just like FromSoftware's creations, missing the timing on a dodge or attack will see you literally flattened by his hulking great shovel. The Caretaker does a ton of damage with each hit, slowly advances on you in a truly menacing manner, and even has multiple area-wide attacks that you'll need to memorise to stay alive.

A potent mix of the new and old school, the bleak tone of The Witcher series makes this a truly horrifying encounter.

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