18 Best Video Games Of 2016 (So Far)

9. Firewatch

firewatch game
Camp Santo

Firewatch may be the latest in the derisively-labelled 'walking simulator' genre, yet when the developers behind it are a super-team of ex-Walking Dead and Klei Entertainment guys - with the art of Olly Moss, no less - you better believe it's one of the best.

Playing as one Henry after he's suffered an incredibly moving personal tragedy and moved to the Wyoming wilderness, Firewatch is a tale of isolation, friendship and coping with life's hardships in some of the most relatable ways.

To say more would ruin the surprise, but sufficed to say by the time the credits roll you'll have experienced one of the most mature and thought-provoking narratives in quite some time.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.