18 Best Video Games Of 2017 (So Far)

11. Prey

Prey game

What a weird release cycle and level of interest Prey had. Never really rising about "Huh, they're doing another Prey. That's... neat?", the final product had a number of really slick innovations that I guarantee many other developers will take and run with.

Core amongst things like the GLOO Cannon that lets you makeshift ladders and objects to traverse the environment, is the genius enemy designs of the Mimics. These oily fiends remind you of every epic duel you've ever had with a spider in real life, their animations reminiscent of chasing the thing around a living room or swearing you just saw it dart out the corner of your eye. Then there's living up to their namesake, as Mimics can also perfectly replicate any object in a given space.

So, say you're chasing one down and lose it around a corner, you're going to have to think real hard about whether or not there were always two coffee mugs/chairs/pieces of fruit on that table last time you were there. The creatures will burst forth from their camouflaged positions at a moment's notice, giving Prey one of the most essential components of any console generation: An original idea.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.