18 Brutal Gaming Challenges You Must Complete Before You Die

17. Winning The Kingdom Hearts Platinum Match

Although not necessarily known for its overall challenge, the Arena€™s Platinum Match in Kingdom Hearts - where you have to defeat Sephiroth - is one of the hardest boss fights around. There are several good reasons for this. For one, his sword gives him a ridiculously huge range, whereas you have to get in close to damage him. Also, he can teleport around, including during your combos, and stab you in the back when you least expect it. Then there are his more powerful attacks like Omnislash and Firaga Wall, which are incredibly damaging and difficult to get through. But nothing compares to his signature attack, Heartless Angel. If he manages to complete this move (and he will, because it€™s nigh-impossible to predict), then it€™s effectively game over €“ unless you have a specific ability equipped, it€™s a one-hit kill. And even if you have such a thing, then you€™re left at 1 HP and 0 MP, being incredibly vulnerable to a single stab of his sword and with no magic to cure yourself. Timing is absolutely crucial in this encounter as his death move can just about be interrupted, but this is one fight you€™re not overcoming very easily.

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