18 Greatest Last Levels In Gaming History

8. Rainbow Road - Mario Kart Series

Mario Kart DS Rainbow Road

A bit of a cheat to include a level that's been included in just about every game in a series, but no one is going to argue against the impact that the Mario Kart franchise's Rainbow Road has had on gaming culture as a whole, right?

Acting as the final stage of many of Nintendo's prized kart racing titles, Rainbow Road, although changing structurally and graphically with each new release, is always crafted with one design philosophy in mind: to be as treacherous as possible to the player.

Ask any gamer and they'll have a list of war stories about the times they've been screwed over by this frustrating track. Whether its making a rookie mistake on a final turn and flying straight over the edge, recovering just in time to see first place slip from your grasp, or attempting to show off your skills around your friends only to end up falling instantly to your death, everyone who's played Mario Kart will have painful experiences of trying to ace this ridiculously difficult track.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3