18 Greatest Last Levels In Gaming History

6. The World That Never Was - Kingdom Hearts 2

Kingdom Hearts games have a pretty good knack for thinking up epic conclusions to their games. From the titles of the stages themselves (The "End of The World" location and "World That Never Was" from the first and second games respectively), everything about these final levels feel suitably epic.

And while you could argue the original game has the better ending overall, with its heartfelt themes coming full circle with poignant epilogues, there's no denying the sheer quality found in the game design of the second title's finale.

The visually impressive but eerily bleak location of Nothingness sets the stage for the title's last level. Home to a seemingly endless supply of Heartless and Nobodies, just about everything you come across in this final mission wants to see you fail miserably. Throw in a heap of narrative revelations to keep the stakes high and Kingdom Hearts 2, with its thematically rich setting and challenging battles, makes crafting a superb finale to a treasured game series look easy.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3