18 Greatest Last Levels In Gaming History

11. Citadel - Half Life 2

All the way through Half Life 2 you find yourself thinking "man, this gravity gun is great, but wouldn't it be just perfect if I could actually throw dudes around with it?". Never being developers to disappoint their fans, in the last level of the shooter Valve gave players the ability to go nuts with the now iconic gun. Early in the game's final mission, everyone's favourite physics-based weapon is given a power up that lets player toss around bad guys like they're made out of clay.

By the time you made it to that last level you felt like you could take on the world anyway, and with the help of the suped-up gravity gun, you practically could.

Even better, the imaginative level design and gripping narrative climax complemented the new found power perfectly. Everything about the finale of Half Life 2 just clicked; with a great map to fight your way through, a now iconic weapon and a genuinely jaw-dropping cliffhanger, it's no wonder why Valve's epic went down as one of the greatest games ever made.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3