18 Greatest Video Games Of The PlayStation 3/Xbox 360 Generation

1. Bioshock

Gaming has the ability to pull us away from reality and introduce us to concepts and worlds far beyond the realms of our imagination. As a result, certain video game worlds and settings will forever be remembered for their unique stylings and brilliant design; it's amazing how immersive these imaginative worlds can be. The Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 played host to a ton of memorable and well-designed gaming locations - but none of them topped Rapture. The underwater city in which Bioshock is set, your first introduction to the city is breathtaking - watching the bright lights and towering buildings of a city landscape unfurl before your eyes is a mesmerising sight, and the fact you're at the bottom of the ocean just adds to the atmosphere. In many ways, Bioshock became one of gaming's greatest games right there and then; those first moments in Rapture are stunning and ensured an experience like no other. Then you take your first steps into the city and realise this underwater utopia isn't everything it's cracked up to be. Society under the sea has crumbled and as the player, you're suddenly thrust into the middle of it. Guided only by a mysterious voice on the radio, you work your way through Rapture and the game's storyline begins to unfold. There's a rich sense of lore and history throughout Rapture and at first, you'll struggle to comprehend who exactly people like Frank Fontaine and Brigid Tenenbaum are. Then, it'll all click, and you'll begin to devour every inch of story you can find: Atlas' soothing voice on the radio; the audio diaries lying around the place; the art and decor bordering on propaganda... the atmosphere of Bioshock is second to none. The game deals with morality very well too. Little Sisters can be found in Rapture (little girls who have been genetically altered to harvest the potential boosting drug ADAM) and the player has to decide their fate. You can harvest them (obtaining a great deal more ADAM for upgrades) or you can save them, restoring their humanity and freeing them from their fate, at the cost of receiving less ADAM. Outside of player choice, the game's storyline also deals with morality within Rapture's society (or more accurately, the lack of). It all builds up to an important scene in the office of Andrew Ryan, providing one of the most shocking plot twists gaming has ever seen, even to this day. The shooter gameplay might leave a little to be desired (especially nowadays) but that doesn't serve detriment Bioshock in any way. It's atmospheric, intelligent and rich in detail - undoubtedly, Bioshock is among the best the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 have to offer. Agree? Disagree? Is there a game from the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 libraries that we've missed? Let us know in the comments below!
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I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.