18 Most WTF Gaming Industry Moments Of 2017

9. Knack II Gets Better Reviews Than Star Wars: Battlefront II

Knack 2

There were a number of surprising Metacritic review scores in 2017, but there none more shocking than Star Wars Battlefront II scoring a thoroughly mediocre 68, several points lower than its widely-criticised 2015 predecessor.

More to the point, this allowed Knack II, the sequel to the critically-mauled platformer few were anticipating sans-irony, to swoop in and just barely score better with critics, landing a totally not-bad (relatively speaking) 69.

Considering that EA promised Battlefront II would be an apology for the previous game's shortcomings, and Knack II seemed like it'd be a middling improvement over its predecessor at best, it's incredibly shocking that Sony's downtrodden mascot beat out a major AAA franchise based on one of pop-culture's best-loved IPs.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.