18 Things Only Metal Gear Solid Fans Will Understand

2. Thinking "It's Okay, Kojima Has Planned This All Along"

When explaining both the timeline, as well as the increasingly convoluted plots that each game would offer, this is often the statement made in order to maintain confidence with each new Metal Gear release, as well as quell any concerns that Kojima was "losing it" when weird plot points would be introduced. Definitely worth commendation for how he's been able to maintain a multi-decade long series going, especially with each installment adding to the same timeline. This interlocking of narratives, as well as inclusion of complex themes and characters, is the reason for his well-deserved reputation among gamers. When in doubt, if someone mentions that they think this story bit has plot holes, or Quiet is over-sexualized, simply say one of two things: either "Nanomachines, son!" or "It's okay, Kojima has everything planned out." They are simple responses, and can work for any discrepancy felt by critics. Now, when it comes to FUTURE instalments of Metal Gear, considering that Kojima is no longer involved with the series, nanomachines may be your only explanation for what goes wrong in the eventual Metal Gear Solid VI.

Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.