19 Scariest Video Game Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

17. The Basement - The Last Of Us

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCUl847HUfg Quick question: what's your stance on The Last Of Us as survival horror? It's certainly got all the hallmarks - the apocalyptic backdrop, a species decimating virus, and hordes of cannibalistic monsters. You're just as likely to find yourself between the jaws of a vicious clicker, as you are the business end of a scavenger's shotgun - and with your own ammunition dwindling with every passing hour, confronting either directly is a death wish. There's no empowerment here, just raw survivalism. But regardless of whether or not The Last Of Us qualifies as 'true' survival horror, Naughty Dog's strength in creating scenes of genuine terror is undeniable, and the moment which best exemplifies this is the hotel segment midway through the game. After being cut off from Ellie, Joel has to make his way through a flooded basement. If the silence isn't enough to rattle your nerves, the darkness most definitely is, and as you skulk from room to room, there's no telling how many clickers are lurking in the shadows. You'll find out soon enough though, as powering up the generator alerts every creature in the vicinity to your location, forcing you to sprint to the exit as quickly as possible. Try playing this one on the highest difficulty setting if you REALLY want that adrenaline boost.

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