19 Scariest Video Game Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

15. Dinner With The St. John Family - The Walking Dead: Season One

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rbawU8Txwg Spoilers below. Zombies. We all know the rules for handling these flesh-mongering creatures: 1) don't get bitten, and 2) always aim for the head. And usually that's enough to get you by, but sometimes things aren't as simple as "avoiding the shambling things with the snapping jaws and infectious halitosis". Sometimes the friendly stranger who takes you in with promises of food and shelter could be even deadlier than the reanimated corpses circling the forests. Such is the case with the St. John family, well-to-do farmers (by apocalyptic standards, at least) who take in Lee and company when their hideout's safety seems compromised. A warm place to sleep, plenty of nice scenery, and hot plates of food - what's not to love? Everything's hunky-dory until Lee stumbles upon a pair of doors leading into the backroom of the barn, through which lies a room splattered with blood. Excuses are of course made for the mess, explanations of wild animals needing to be put down, etc. But in light of an off-handed comment made earlier by the St. Johns' regarding past visitors who supposedly left under mysterious circumstances, things are starting to take a more sinister shape. And that's without mentioning the question of where the St. John family's getting their meat - something that's answered when Lee comes across one of his pals in an upstairs bathroom with his leg cut off. Three guesses as to what everybody's chomping on around the dinner table downstairs.

Carlos Jimenez hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.