19 WTF Moments From Quantum Break
5. The Insane Final Act
If you felt like the game's first four acts didn't feature enough shooting, act five has you covered...kinda. Much of the chapter's first half is wall-to-wall action, placing Jack in a series of extremely intense encounters against enemies much tougher and more voluminous than before.
In short, you're going to die quite a bit against the extremely powerful armoured, machine gun-toting maniacs, and don't even get us started on that shootout that takes place in the dark. It's mental.
The second half is insane for another reason, though: a ton of it simply has you following Will, which kinda sucks the air out of what should be an urgent, run-and-gun finale. And then there's the ludicrous final boss fight, but more on that in a moment.
For a while, this final chapter feels like the game reaching its Max Payne-inspired heights...but it's also got that on-rails nonsense to deal with too...