20 Arcade Games That Prove 1986 Was A Landmark Year For Gaming

15. Rygar – Tecmo

Out Run Title Screen

Rygar was the one of the founders of a new type of sub-genre that arrived around this time – the platform adventure based beat ‘em up. Combining the best elements of several different types of games, Tecmo’s Rygar saw you exploring a mythical world taking out the enemies, upgrading your weapons and negotiating the tricky terrain. 

Rygar was much deeper than many other coin-ops of the era and saw even more success on the home systems of the time than it did in arcade halls.

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Kieren is from England and is a well known figure in gaming circles. As a writer he is probably best known for his work on the award-winning Retro Gamer magazine but over the years he has written for numerous publications and websites. A keen games collector himself, he is also the organiser of several UK-based gaming events and has a big social media presence.